In business, networking is king. The survival and success of any business depends upon the ability of the business to communicate clearly and frequently with those directly involved with its success. Customers, suppliers and partners are all crucial to success, and to keep them satisfied, they must be kept in the know. One program that can make this process very easy is Microsoft Lync. This program allows for greater cohesion between individuals in the workplace.
One of Lync’s primary features is the ability to connect securely to customers, suppliers and partners from anywhere in the world. Lync is available on every device, be it a tablet or a computer, and can establish contact by adapting to any available network. A small business must be able to communicate with its customers and employees quickly, making the instant messaging feature of Lync very appealing. Instant messaging allows for real time communication at a moment’s notice from anywhere with an internet connection. Instant messaging is much faster than a phone call or email, and allows for the quick exchange of files and pictures with multiple individuals at any time. If the bar next to the person’s icon is green, they are able to receive your message. The messages also save and file themselves after periods of inactivity, ensuring that any information transferred is preserved.
Video and voice calls are also features found in Lync. If an individual has a microphone and speakers installed in their computer, they are able to communicate face to face from any location. This is a more personal method of communication, and can be very useful for businesses with employees who are out of the office or stationed in far off locations. Lync can hold conference video calls with up to five members, allowing for easy meetings from any location at any time. In addition to this, Lync can provide users with the unique ability of sharing desktops through the Lync Web App. One person, marked the presenter, can share their desktop with other members of a conference call to share PowerPoint presentations, desktops and various programs.
By establishing a center for the distribution and sharing of information and contact essential to successful business, Microsoft Lync provides an invaluable service that brings together customers, employees, managers and suppliers to create a method of quick and convenient communication. Its value to small businesses is simply its ability to establish easy access from any location.
By Miles Flett/Syncretic Intern